Saturday, January 26, 2008

Crist Hates America, Florida, Loves Eternal War

Crist has endorsed John McCain, the man who opposes a national cat fund and said that he had no problem staying in Iraq for 100 years. Thanks, Charlie, for advocating a president who, while not as bad as the other Republicans, would be horrible for America (and Florida).

Crist Hates America, Florida, Loves Eternal War

Crist has endorsed John McCain, the man who opposes a national cat fund and said that he had no problem staying in Iraq for 100 years. Thanks, Charlie, for advocating a president who, while not as bad as the other Republicans, would be horrible for America (and Florida).

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Good Crist

I hope he follows through on this one:

While admitting he faces "some challenges" with the budget this year, Gov. Charlie Crist said Friday he plans to call for an increase in state funding for restoring the Everglades.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Crist's Budget Is Mixed News, Not Surprisingly

A quick look at the proposals:

Good: "taking money from government endowment set aside for health care"

Bad: "possible new Lottery games"

Bad: "an infusion of money from new Indian casinos"

Good (except for the "small" part): "He also wants to give state workers a small raise

Good (except he's probably only doing it because he has to): "spend more on Medicaid (as required by a federal law change)"

Unsure (not enough detail): "promote economic development ($400-million more, according to a preliminary estimate)"

Good: "More than a third of the new money in Crist's budget, about $800-million, would be for Florida public schools, an amount sufficient to give teachers a raise in a time of flat student enrollment."

Bad: "he's interested in tapping the Lawton Chiles endowment, a health care fund, by as much as $400-million as one way to balance the budget"

Good: cutting "tuition assistance to students attending private schools"

Bad: cutting funding for "Alzheimer's care"

Good: "increasing substance abuse treatment for inmates by $28-million next year"

Crist Hates Reality, Science, Facts

And Crist had done so good with the global warming issue, then he goes crazy and says this about Evolution:

I think the way it’s been handled historically in Florida is probably appropriate. It’s been introduced and discussed in terms of being a theory. I don’t know if there’s a need for a change in that. But I’ll leave the decision to the board.

If by "theory," Crist means "something that has been scientifically confirmed," then he's using the right word here. Otherwise, he's pandering to the stupidest and greediest people on the right.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Bad Crist

Seriously, this is Crist's plan:

Crist clearly is hoping that the prospect of the state drawing a much-needed cash infusion from baccarat, black jack and other games the deal would okay at tribal casinos will eventually wear down opposition. House Speaker Marco Rubio, R-West Miami, has sued Crist saying he overstepped his authority in approving the compact without seeking approval from the Legislature, with arguments before the Florida Supreme Court set for Jan. 30.

Gambling is going to save us? Republicans really are bad at economics, aren't they?

Friday, January 4, 2008

Good Crist

It's great to know that our governor is willing to come down hard on goat rapists/murderers.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Good Rundown on Charlie Crist, Year One

While it's a little more positive than it probably should be, here's a good recap of Crist's first year in office:

His first-year successes included a crackdown on probation violators, a streamlined system for felons to regain civil rights and a switch from touch screen voting to paper ballots. He launched a search for new energy sources to combat global warming and promoted quicker access to government records.


Crist's record at the end of his first year, however, often doesn't match his soaring rhetoric. His "drop like a rock" promise on taxes falling has failed to live up to reality, and he blames "greedy" insurance companies for failing to pass cost savings onto consumers. He enters 2008 with other problems looming, from a stagnant economy that will force more budget cuts to a showdown with the Legislature over casino gambling on Indian lands.


Crist also has made enemies in his party's conservative wing, most notably House Speaker Marco Rubio, who has higher political ambitions. Crist's decision to sign a progambling pact with the Seminole Indian tribe was followed by a further retreat on a 2008 antigay marriage petition drive, which he signed as a candidate but now says does not belong in the Florida Constitution.