Sunday, December 30, 2007

Crist and Browning Hate Democracy, Fair Elections, Reality

Pursuing the bogus voter fraud problem at the expense of people's constitutional rights:

Tuesday, a federal court blocked Florida's "no match, no vote" law after finding it violated voting rights, just six weeks before the state's presidential primary. The so-called "common-sense anti-fraud measure" required election officials to match voter registration application information - including names, birthdays, driver's license and Social Security numbers - against federal databases before registering a person to vote. Although the error-prone procedure put hundreds of thousands of Floridian registrants at risk of disenfranchisement each year and a federal court struck down a similar Washington law for the very same reason, Secretary of State Kurt Browning said he would "immediately appeal," according to the Associated Press.

I've yet to see any legitimate evidence showing that there is any significant incidence of voter fraud anywhere in America. There are individuals who engage in voter fraud, but it doesn't change the outcome of any elections and it isn't widespread enough to need any new solutions, especially ones this draconian. The logical thing to do would be to go with the old Republican standby of "enforcing the laws already on the books" since they seem to already have solved the problem.