Sunday, October 12, 2008

Crist and Greer Should Follow Own Advice on Ethics and Honesty, Cancel Feeney Fundraiser‏


For Immediate Release: October 7, 2008

Crist and Greer Should Follow Own Advice on Ethics and Honesty, Cancel Feeney Fundraiser

As Governor Charlie Crist and RPOF Chairman Jim Greer host a fundraiser today for the FBI's Representative # 3, aka Congressman Tom Feeney, it appears that their words about ethics and honesty don't match up with their deeds.

While defending his decision to host a Feeney fundraiser, Greer said: "People make mistakes. He said he made a mistake, and I think voters like to have someone who's honest." [Orlando Sentinel, 10/5/08]

We think voters like to have someone who's honest as well, which is why voters in Florida's 24th District are supporting Suzanne Kosmas, a candidate who shares their priorities and doesn't have to apologize for a record of corruption.

Crist also should answer for this hypocritical fundraiser, given that he promised "the most ethical government possible, the most open and transparent government possible," [Pensacola News Journal, 1/07/07] and yet is helping fill the coffers of one of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress.

Since Feeney was named the 6th Most Vulnerable Incumbent in the country by Roll Call today, Empty Chair Charlie must have decided he could put that promise on hold.

"If Governor Crist and Jim Greer were taking their own advice when it comes to ethics and honesty, there is no way they would be hosting a fundraiser for Tom Feeney, who is plagued by ethical problems and under FBI investigation," said Eric Jotkoff, spokesman for the Florida Democratic Party.  "Governor Crist should cancel tonight's fundraiser, since Feeney's unethical behavior and record of deception is exactly what's wrong with politics today."

Get all of the facts about Feeney's corruption scandal at:
