The latest stories from the Florida blogs...
Fried Gator: Add another name to the list of corrupt Republicans in Tallahassee: Charlie Dean
Fried Gator: Pick a title: Rivera calls out Kottkamp, or Rivera follows activists, or Pot calls Kettle black
Fried Gator: Charlie Crist is corrupt, yep I said it
Blast Off!: Today's Daily Schadenfreude: Jeff Kottkamp
Pushing Rope: 2 - 2 = 4 In Crist's World
Interstate4Jamming2: A New Found Respect For Charlie Crist
The Seminole Democrat: List of Reasons Why Crist Has Failed Us...
Fried Gator: Liveblogging Meet the Press with Charlie Crist
Fried Gator: As Promised: Thoughts on the 2010 Agriculture Commissioner Race
Fried Gator: Charlie Crist Releases His Budget
Bilerico Project Florida: Healthy Teens Campaign: Governor Crist Agrees to Review Florida's Abstinence-Only Funding