Sunday, May 3, 2009

From the Blogs

The latest stories from the Florida blogs...

FLA Politics (Tally): Topsy Turvy Twenty Ten

Pushing Rope: DSCC Charlie Crist Ad

Pensito Review (Trish): Fla. Gov. Crist Refuses to Pile On Specter

Clean Up City of St. Augustine, Florida: Thanks to Rep. MICA's brother the oil lobbyist, Governor Crist comes out of the closet as open-minded on offshore oil drilling

Pushing Rope: Will Crist Veto Offshore Drilling Bill?

Pushing Rope: Crist Featured in 'Outrage'

Pushing Rope: Conservatives Love Crist When It Suits Them

Pushing Rope: Charlie Crist: Working Class Hero

Pensacola Beach Blog: Charlie Crist's World

Progressive Pensacola: Statewide races update, 04.13.09