Were you aware of the following facts and quotes from Bill McCollum?
McCollum supported "personhood" rights for unborn while in Congress
McCollum opposes the public option
“During his twenty years in Congress, McCollum voted eight times to cut Medicare by at least $650 billion, voted to raise the eligibility age for Medicare and Social Security, and voted to make it harder for government to crack down on health care fraud.”
McCollum opposed Crist's Seminole gaming compact
McCollum voted to approve a new nuclear plant
McCollum takes a lot of time off
"On the economic side we have big differences with the Democrats because we believe in growing the pie and growing wealth and not redistributing it."
On waterboardng: "I believe we have in this debate really stretched the definition of torture...I don't think the techniques that they're describing first of all were torture, by definition under the international way of defining it, and secondly I believe the men and women who undertook to get advice on this gave their best advice."
On the stimulus, "President Obama failed to involve the Republicans the way he professed to do at the beginning of the process."
McCollum opposed oil drilling closer to Florida's coast