Sunday, January 31, 2010

When Will Candidate McCollum Explain The Actions of Congressman McCollum?

From FDP:

At Wednesday's Associated Press Forum in Tallahassee, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill McCollum failed to explain, yet again, his insistent effort for financial deregulation that eventually led to the current economic crisis. And the $4.7 trillion question remains on the table, when will McCollum explain his repeated efforts to raise the national debt ceiling?

In Congress McCollum Helped Turn Our "Lemonade Into A Lemon"-As Governor McCollum Would Likely Turn Florida's Economy Into A "Permanent Bust". "In Congress, McCollum helped turn our lemonade economy into a lemon. In 1999, he co-sponsored the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act, which prevented banks from taking on riskier investments that could precipitate the very financial crisis Obama inherited. ... As governor, McCollum would likely turn Florida's economy into a permanent bust." (Column, Sun-Sentinel, 01/15/10)

Congressman McCollum Held Hearings On Subprime Lending - Then Did Nothing-Years Later As Attorney General And During The Crisis: "It's Not The End Of The World." According to the St. Petersburg Times, McCollum, as vice chairman of the banking committee in May 2000, held daylong hearings into mortgage issues, including rising defaults rates and subprime lending practices. The St, Petersburg Times reported, "But hours of testimony resulted in little action. 'It was very hard to convince anyone it was epidemic,' said Cathy Lesser Mansfield, a Drake University law professor who testified before the committee." In 2007, the News-Press reported that McCollum said he thought that the subprime collapse had been exaggerated by the media and investors. "It's not the end of the world," he said. (St. Petersburg Times, 5/24/09 and The News-Press, 11/15/07)

Congressman McCollum Voted At Least 11 Times To Raise The National Debt Limit. The Miami Herald political blog reported that Congressman McCollum "voted to increase the national debt limits" several times. According to records, McCollum voted at least eleven times to raise the national debt limit between 1984-2000. (Miami Herald Blog, 01/20/10; Vote 48, 3/7/96; Vote 30, 2/1/96; Vote 270, 6/29/84, Vote 330, 9/22/87; Vote 336, 11/7/89; Vote 369, 11/13/85; Vote 353, 11/1/85; Vote 743, 10/26/95; San Francisco Chronicle, 10/28/95; Vote 812, 11/17/95; Vote 820, 11/20/95; Vote 102, 3/28/96 and USA Today, 3/29/96)

During Congressman McCollum's Time In Washington, The Debt Increased By 4.7 Trillion. During McCollum's time in Washington, America's debt increased by $4.7 trillion from $907 billion in 1980 to $5.66 trillion in January 2001 (when McCollum left office). (US Treasury)