“Do as I tweet, not as I do.”
That was the headline of the Florida Times Union in response to Senate President Jeff Atwater’s hypocritical statements last month.
In a “tweet”, Atwater criticized federal lawmakers for not balancing their budget while claiming he has done a great job balancing Florida’s budget.
Not to be outdone, the Orlando Sentinel chimed in adding, “Florida Lawmakers want Washington to cut deficit spending – just not in Florida.”
The reference is of course to the fact that the only way Atwater can “balance” the state budget is to depend on those same borrowed dollars.
Last year, Atwater used $5 billion in borrowed federal dollars to balance Florida’s budget…and this year his so-called leadership will call for borrowing an additional $4 billion.
Atwater and his cohorts TAKE the money, and then they rail against the very money they desperately need to make ends meet in Florida. This is exactly the kind of “do as I say, not as I do” hypocrisy that Floridians are tired of.
True transparency…true accountability…and true responsibility means standing up for taxpayers, telling them the truth, and being an honest steward of their tax dollars.
That’s exactly what we need in our next CFO – someone who is honest about our economic conditions, forthright about what it will take to make our state stronger and consistent in talking to Florida’s citizens.
If you too are tired of this two-faced hypocrisy, then join us today.
If you want your next CFO to tell it like it is, then click here.
My pledge to you is to always be straight with you, to be your voice, and to tell you the truth, even when it’s not the popular thing to do.
Loranne Ausley
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Atwater's Hypocrisy
From Loranne Ausley: